Because right now, things feel harder than they should.

You didn’t start your business, just to be like every other health professional out there did you?

If you’re a Dietitian, Speech Therapist, Physiotherapist, Dentist, Naturopath, Psychologist or *insert health professional here* and you’re ready to grow a profitable business, on your terms - pour a drink and pull up a seat.

You’re working long hours

Spending way too much time creating content for social media with no result, and are stuck on a hamster wheel working in your business (instead of on it) feeling unsure about how the hell to get off.

You’re working long hours

Spending way too much time creating content for social media with no result, and are stuck on a hamster wheel working in your business (instead of on it) feeling unsure about how the hell to get off.

You’re comparing yourself

to other brands online wondering how the hell you are going to stand out and get noticed ahead of your competition when there are so many other businesses out there who do what you do.

Your business isn’t growing

as quickly as you would like, and you’re struggling to manage the stress and pressure that comes with navigating inconsistent cashflow.

You’re tired of wishing

for more followers, email subscribers, enquiries, bookings and sales and having no real strategy or plan to guide you.

And you’re sick of feeling overwhelmed

and confused about what the hell will *actually* help your business grow - despite doing the Instagram course to market your business, downloading the free resources to learn all the tech and attending all of the live webinars that promise to help you ‘build a 6 figure practice’.

Instead? You feel burnt out and are beginning to have thoughts like…

Ironically, you’re not enjoying any of the freedom that you started your business to enjoy.

“Why does this feel so hard?”

“No one is buying in this economic environment”.

“I’m not cut out to be a business owner”

“What is wrong with me?”

But here’s the thing.

It’s not you that’s the problem. And it’s not the economy. 

It’s your approach.

Because growing a profitable business is possible for you, it’s just likely you’re just missing the two key ingredients to will get you there - a brand strategy and a digital marketing plan.

None of this is true.

It doesn’t matter what stage of business you’re in


Because a strong brand is what will help you stand out and get noticed by your *dream clients* online and a digital marketing plan is what will help you grow. 

Without these, you’ll just stay stuck where you are now.

Your business will not grow without the right brand and marketing foundations in place.

My belief?

Having a brand strategy and digital marketing plan is the most effective way to grow a profitable business, in a way that feels good to you.

Develop an effective brand message that cuts through the digital noise and clearly communicates your value so that when someone asks ‘why should I work with you?’ you can articulate what makes you the best choice for them with confidence.

Create marketing content that delivers real results. Regardless of whether you aim to attract new clients, build authority or make more sales, a brand and digital marketing strategy will provide you with a clear roadmap to follow so that you can grow your business by taking intentional, aligned actions minus the stress, burnout and wasted hours.

Grow your social media following, email subscribers and client base in the fastest and most cost-effective way possible by using a data-driven approach that will help you find your ideal clients online, build awareness around your brand, promote your services and products [in a non-sleezy and non-salesy way], and ultimately drive sales and profit into your business [no spaghetti throwing ‘guesswork’ strategy here].

Build a unique brand that gets you noticed by your dream clients so that you can stand out online as that first irresistible choice in the mind of your ideal client so that when they hear the word ‘dietitian’ or ‘physio’ or ‘speech therapist’ or *insert any health profession here* they think of you.

Attract clients, make more sales and generate more money, in a breeze. The freedom you started your business for? Well, you’ll actually be able to enjoy it because these foundations will provide you with a solid base to grow and scale your business so that you can finally say goodbye to those late nights behind your laptop and hello to a profitable and sustainable business that consistently generates enquires and sales and *actually* allows you to step away without everything falling apart.

It will allow you to:

How do I know this?

Because not only have I built a stand out brand and profitable business that I genuinely love through the power of brand and online marketing, but I’ve also helped hundreds of health professionals *just like you* do the same too

Holly Arnold - Founder of Holly Arnold Nurtition

"I decided to join Markerita because I was feeling at a complete standstill with my business. I had reached the point of it being a successful part-time job which was great, but I had no idea how to grow so I could step away from my other work and transition to working for myself full-time. Since working with Rachel, my business revenue has increased each month, and the difference in my income between August and November is double! Things just seem to be getting so much more consistent which is exciting".

"Revenue doubled in 3 months"

Rebecca Norris, Founder of Plantful Pregnancy

"I joined Markerita because I was struggling to convey the value of my programs and services leaving me feeling like I was missing something, frustrated and confused at why my business wasn't growing. Since joining Markerita, I have refined my messaging and can now actually articulate how working with me is going to benefit my ideal client. I have seen a big increase in enquiries and a boost in engagement on Instagram. I also feel confident marketing my business moving forward using the frameworks Rachel teaches inside Markerita."

"Increased engagement and enquiries"

Christina Mollenhaue, Founder of Christina Mollenhauer Nutrition

“I joined Markerita because I felt unclear in how to take my business to the next stage of growth and knew this course would be the answer to developing a sustainable business model that allowed myself to work in line with my values. I was blown away with the amount of detail throughout the course and have walked away with more clarity in my brand and increased growth both on social media and within my business. Since joining the course eight months ago, my revenue has grown by 133% and my Instagram account has gained over 7K followers - a 55% increase”

"A 133% increase in revenue and over $7K followers gained on Instagram"

Penny Blunden, Founder of Sick Happens

"I created a post after our coaching call using some of the ideas we spoke about in the back of my mind. Within an hour I sold four courses! So, it seems your methods are amazeballs".

"Four courses sold within an hour of posting on Instagram"

Hey, I’m Rachel!

Just like a cocktail, I believe that every health professional has their own unique twist. And I’m here to help you discover yours.

Want to know a secret?

Having a brand strategy and digital marketing plan is the most effective way to grow a profitable business, in a way that feels good to you.

Margarita enthusiast, brand builder and digital marketing strategist for health professionals who are ready to market their business online and grow their brand - in their own way.

And the best part? I’m here to help you do the same.

Establish a strong and consistent digital presence

I’m here to help you do the same.

across website, socials and email so that I can reach and connect with my dream clients online, build awareness around my brand, promote my services and products [in a non-sleezy and non-salesy way], and drive sales and profit into my business.

Market my business online

in a way that feels good to me [you won’t find me dancing on reels without a cocktail in my hand] using a data-driven approach that enables me to take intentional, aligned actions that drive business growth, while having fun along the way.

Develop a strong brand message

that positions me as a digital marketing expert for health professionals and makes attracting my ideal clients as easy and breezy as a pina colada.

Generate multiple six figures

in digital course sales [not to mention develop unique and memorable course names that are as fun and witty as I am after one too many cocktails].

Build a stand-out brand

That gets people talking in all the right ways and captures the attention of my dream clients online

Build a loyal AF community

of social media followers, email subscribers and clients who help me grow my business through positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Seriously - 

It has allowed me to:


We start on SEptember 15th. Will you join us?


A 12-week group program for health professionals who are ready to build an in-demand brand and grow a profitable business through online marketing.

Discover the exact ingredients you need to build a stand out brand and implement a digital marketing plan that consistently attracts, connects and converts your *dream clients* like a breeze so that you can grow your audience, make more sales and generate more money, in a way that feels good to you. 

Markerita isn’t just another marketing course that’ll show you the “how” only for you to feel like you’re learning another rinse-and-repeat method that doesn’t actually work for your industry. It’s an experience that will teach you the exact ingredients you need to build a stand out health brand and grow a profitable business through the power of brand and online marketing. You’ll learn how to think like a marketer so you can effortlessly grow your business on your terms, in your own way - stirred with your unique twist.

A marketing course like no other

This isn’t a DIY course where you’ll sign up and never hear from me again. This is a course where you receive support from me and your peers every step of the way across a 12-week period. Your success is my success. That is why we meet every week for a group call on Zoom designed for brainstorming, troubleshooting and exploring ideas. Can’t make the group call live? No worries. You also have 24/7 access to our private community group where you can share your thoughts and seek feedback on your work. This is as close as you will get to receiving one-on-one support without the hefty price tag. A level of support that I am confident you will not find in any other marketing course on the market.

Done With You

This is not a get rich quick kinda course. You won’t find any dodgy growth strategies or pushy sales tactics inside. Instead? I’ll teach you how to grow your business by building your brand power and establishing a strong digital presence that magnetises people to your business so that they are scream ‘OMG I need this…take my money!’. Markerita prioritises strategy and intentional action over guesswork so that you know exactly what you need to do to get results.

Serving strategy and sustainable growth


[$500 value]

Core Features & Benefits

Over 12-weeks we will walk through the curriculum together meaning that you have me and your peer’s support every step of the way.

24/7 access to your peers in our private community

Perhaps the greatest aspect of this course? The community, of course! When you join Markerita you’ll also be invited to join our private community group where you can connect with all of the other incredible business owners in the program, ask questions, give and receive feedback and get that extra shot of accountability. Instant access to support and feedback? Yes please!

[$1500 value]

Tech walkthrough sessions

I get that new technology can feel overwhelming! That is why I provide bonus pre-recorded sessions where I walk you through the backend of my recommended website (Showit), email (Flodesk & Kajabi) and content marketing systems (Airtable & Later) so that you can implement your digital marketing strategy with ease. You’ll be able to follow along, step by step, as I show you how to do things like create an email funnel and build a content marketing plan.

[$1000 value]

10 x live group coaching calls via Zoom

Stuck on your messaging? Unsure if your lead magnet idea is good enough? Worried your content plan will miss the mark? We meet most Thursday’s for a group coaching call on Zoom designed for brainstorming, troubleshooting and exploring ideas. Can’t make the call? No worries. You can also request feedback on your work or submit questions to be answered if you can’t make it live. Access to the call recordings will be uploaded into the course portal within 24 hours of a live call ending.

[$2000 value]

12-weeks of pre-recorded video lessons

Your lessons are released in weekly stages throughout the course so that you can work through the entire course curriculum, step by step, without feeling overwhelmed. You’ll also receive lifetime access to the content provided meaning that you can also work through the lessons at your own pace should you opt to complete the course in your own time instead.

you will have all of the ingredients in place to build a stand-out brand and implement a digital marketing plan that consistently attracts, connects and converts your *dream clients* like a breeze so that you can grow your audience, make more sales and make 2025 your most profitable in business yet.

Here’s how we’ll get you there…

By the time the course finishes in December



Establish your brand base

In Module 1, you will get clear on your business vision, mission and brand values. Together, these elements will serve as your north star, providing you with business clarirty and a solid foundation that will guide your actions and decision-making moving forward, and define the principles that you stand for as a business so that you can foster a strong and consistent brand identity. We’ll also profile your ideal client so that feel confident knowing exactly who your business exists to serve [and what you need to say and do to attract more of these people to your business]. 


Craft your magnetic brand messaging

In Module 2, you will learn how to craft a magnetic brand message that highlights your value and unique point of difference in the market so that you stand out and get noticed by your ideal client online. You’ll walk away from this module knowing exactly what makes you different from your competitors so that when someone asks ‘why should I work with you?’ you can can articulate what makes you the best choice for them with confidence.


Develop your digital marketing plan

In Module 3, I’ll introduce you to the world of digital marketing! It’s here that you’ll learn how to think like a marketer by learning the exact purpose of your marketing activities so that you know which things are right for you and how they’ll support you in building a profitable business. Then? You’ll use this knowledge to develop a digital marketing strategy for your business and map out a 12-month marketing calendar for your business.


Build your website

Module 4 is all about website creation. You’ll design (or redesign) your website’s structure and learn about page-specific content requirements so that you can quickly and effectively write your website copy. Then? You’ll build it! The choice is yours - DIY the build using the provided ShowIt support resources as a guide or opt to outsource it to a professional. It’s your brand’s online home, done your way.


Create your lead magnet and opt-in email funnel

In Module 5, you’ll learn how to grow your email list by mastering the art of developing an irresistible lead magnet and nurturing your leads with a purpose-driven opt-in email funnel. You’ll walk away from this module with an effective list-building strategy in place so that you can attract perfect-fit clients to your business. Oh and don’t worry about the tech setup because I’ll also show you how to create and schedule your email funnel in Flodesk and Kajabi too. 


Execute your content marketing plan

In Module 6, you’ll develop a multi-channel content marketing plan that will consistently attract, connect and convert your *dream clients* like a breeze so that you can grow your audience, make more sales and generate more profit, in a way that feels good to you. By the end of this module, you will have a strategic content marketing plan in place and two weeks of content scheduled and ready to publish on autopilot.


But wait, there’s more!

When you join Markerita this round, you will also get access to all of these extra bonuses.

Unlock the secrets to ranking higher on Google in this SEO masterclass, designed for health professionals. This introductory session will guide you through the basics of Search Engine Optimisation, showing you why it’s a smart marketing tool to expand your online presence. Learn practical, industry-specific strategies and pick up easy-to-implement tips to help your practice climb Google’s search results.

Live Workshop:

SEO 101 for Health Professionals - How to Make Friends with Google with Erin Murnane, SEO Expert & Founder of Quince Creative [$250 value].

Alyce is a copywriter, professional notebook scribbler and the Founder of Bossy Copyrighting. Learn what a brand voice is, how to develop your own as both a business and personal brand and of course, bring that voice to life through your copy and content to create a brand that stands out and gets people talking about you in all the right ways.

On-Demand Workshop: 

How to develop your brand tone of voice with Alyce Greer, Founder of Bossy Copywriting [$250 value].

Millie is the founder of NUW By Millie and Dietitian Edition; she is an unconventional Dietitian and Nutrition Industry expert who doesn’t do mundane or mainstream. Learn how to strategically secure and execute collaborations with both industry brands and aligned health professionals in order to get your brand in front of your ideal client, generate additional revenue within your business and position yourself as an expert in the field.

On-Demand Workshop: 

How to use the power of collaborations to grow your brand with Millie Padula, Founder of NUW [$250 value].

Emma is a creative turned conversion nerd, obsessed with transforming bland websites into magical money-making masterpieces. She has helped hundred of digital entrepreneurs across Australia and overseas DIY their dream websites on ShowIt through easy-to-use templates. And in this workshop? She will teach you how to build your very own high-converting website using ShowIt.

On-Demand Workshop: 

How to build a high converting website using ShowIt with Website Designer, Emma Troy [$250 value].

It’s no secret that finding the right experts to outsource tasks to in your business can be tough, which is why I am giving everyone who joins Markerita access to my recommended referral network. Think insurance brokers, lawyers, graphic designers, copywriters, website designers and so much more. A recommended expert in the areas of your business where you need it most. 


My Little Black Book of Experts [Priceless].

You can’t go to the effort of creating a brand strategy for your business and not have anywhere to put it, right!? Turn your brand strategy into a professional brand bible for your business that your refer to religiously so that you can share it with your team, contractors and anyone else that works with your business tin order to maintain a consistent and cohesive brand, both on and offline


Brand Strategy Template [$50 value]

All prices are in AUD and include GST. 
Your purchase is protected by a 14-day money back guarantee (see terms)

Get Started Today

6 monthly payments

$549 AUD


One-time payment

$2999 AUD


Grace Deavin - Founder of The Nourished Mind

"Rachel does such an amazing job of explaining the concepts of marketing with real world examples and created a road map to develop my own marketing strategy in a beautifully structured and presented way. I got so much value from Markerita and feel so much more confident with what I need to do to grow my dietetic private practice online. Definitely a worthwhile investment!”

"Joining Markerita was one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made"

Beryl Smith - Co-Founder of Revitalized Health & Wellness Counseling

“I found Rachel's lessons to be very informative and gave me the ability to apply what I learned. Rachel created an open and comfortable environment within the course that gave me the freedom to ask questions to further gain clarity around understanding my ideal client and marketing strategy. I am now making progress in my business that I would not have thought possible before taking this course. Thank you Rachel and Markerita!”

"I’m now making progress in my business that I would not have thought possible before taking this course."

Annabel Johnston - Founder of Nutrition for Living

"I found Rachel's lessons to be very informative and gave me the ability to apply what I learned. Rachel created an open and comfortable environment within the course that gave me the freedom to ask questions to further gain clarity around understanding my ideal client and marketing strategy. I am now making progress in my business that I would not have thought possible before taking this course. Thank you Rachel and Markerita!'

"I recommend Markerita to any allied health professionals looking to elevate their business

Madison Sanford - Founder of The Nourished Bump

“I joined Markerita as someone who had only ever worked in the public sector but was now starting a business and had no idea where to even start with marketing. Rachel and the Markerita community has been invaluable, and now means I have a clear brand strategy and direction for my business before even launching. I am so much more confident now, and feel like I now have a great plan in place for growing my business - setting me up for years to come!”

"I now have a great plan in place for growing my business - setting me up for years to come!"

Everyone who joins Markerita will not only recieve lifetime access to the course content and bonuses but they’ll also be invited back to participate in all future rounds of the program too.

This means you not only get my support during your initial 12 weeks in the course, but you’ll also get it everytime the course is run again in the future.

Once you’re a part of the Markerita community, you are part of it for life.

Penny Blunden - Founder of Sick Happens

“I've been beyond impressed with the value and support I received from doing the Markerita course with Rachel. She was always there to answer questions, and I was able to refresh my knowledge after the course was completed as many times as I liked. The course gave me clarity to *really* understand my why, and be able to articulate it clearly and consistently”.

"I've been beyond impressed with the value and support I received"

Angela Perotta - Founder of Dr. Ange Chiro

“Having completed both Gramtini and Markerita, I can honestly say that Rach's knowledge in this space is second to none! I have a clear vision on my business and marketing in the online space that I would not have been able to achieve on my own. Would highly recommend her courses to ANY health professional if you're starting out and want to learn all the important things in one place or if you're already an established business owner who want's to really hone in on their online marketing”

"I would highly recommend her courses to any health professional"

All prices are in AUD and include GST. 
Your purchase is protected by a 14-day money back guarantee (see terms)

Get Started Today

6 monthly payments

$549 AUD


One-time payment

$2999 AUD


Sometimes the only way to really know whether a course is the right fit for you is to jump in there and test it out yourself, which is exactly why Markerita comes with a 2 week ‘do the work’ money back guarantee.

This means that if you join the course and don;' feel like Markerita is giving you the knowledge, support and accountability you need to build an in-demand health brand and grow your business through online marketing then just email me by Sunday, September 29th and I’ll refund you in full.

The only thing you have to do is watch the first two weeks worth of lessons, attend the first and show me that you have done the homework. That way I’ll keep you accountable to the commitment you make when you join and you’ll keep me honest about whether the course will serve you.

Join Markerita for up to 2-weeks risk free.


When does the course start and end?

Markerita starts on Sunday, September 17th - Friday, December 5th.

With this being said, once you join Markerita you are part of the Markerita community for life. This means that everyone who enrolls in Markerita will recieve lifetime access to the course content, bonuses and community meaning that you can work through the course in your own time if preferred.

How much time do I need to set aside each week to complete the course?

I understand how busy you are. That is why Markerita has been designed to fit into your schedule. All of the weekly lessons are pre-recorded to allow you to ‘do the work’ in your own time and every live group call and guest workshop is recorded and uploaded into the course portal so that you don’t miss out on any of the action due to scheduling conflicts. 

Everyone’s business and marketing needs are unique which makes it difficult to say exactly how much time you’ll need to commit to the course each week. However, on average, students spend around 3-5 hours per week watching the lessons, completing the activities and engaging in group discussion. Naturally, some weeks require more of a time input, while others require less. Everyone who joins the course will receive a 12-week schedule outlining the weekly content drops and approximate completion times so that you can plan your schedule ahead accordingly. 

How much access will I have to you during the course?

Markerita isn’t a DIY course where you’ll sign up and never hear from me again. This is a course where you receive support from me and your peers every step of the way across a 12-week period. I like to call it DWY [done with you]. We meet every week for a 60 minute group call on Zoom and you will also have 24/7 access to me [and your peers] in our private community group on Facebook. where you can share your thoughts and seek feedback on your work. This is as close as you will get to receiving one-on-one support without the hefty price tag. A level of support that I am confident you will not find in any other marketing course on the market.

What happens if I can’t attend a live group coaching call?

Not to worry. All of the group coaching calls will be recorded and uploaded into the course portal for you to watch [or re-watch] at a time that suits you. While the live calls are great for connecting with your peers, if you aren’t able to attend them you won’t be at any disadvantage. If you don’t attend a live group coaching call but would like a questions answered or feedback on your work, then you have two options - post your question or request in our Facebook community group or submit it to me prior to the live call and I’ll respond on the recording for you to watch back in your own time. Cool, huh?

How is Markerita different to other marketing courses?

Markerita isn’t just another marketing course that’ll show you the “how” only for you to feel like you’re learning another rinse-and-repeat method that doesn’t actually work for your industry. It’s a course that will teach you the exact ingredients you need to build a stand out health brand and grow a profitable business through the power of brand and online marketing. You’ll walk away knowing how to think like a marketer so you can effortlessly grow your business on your terms, in your own way - stirred with your unique twist.

What type of healthcare practitioners will benefit from Markerita?

All healthcare practitioners will benefit from Markerita! Markerita is a course that has been specifically designed for health professionals by an ex-health professional [that’s me]. From dietitians, to physiotherapists, podiatrists, speech pathologists, naturopaths, nutritionists, dermatologists, midwives, chiropractors, doulas, exercise physiologists, hypnotherapists and everyone in between. This course is suitable for anyone in the industry who identifies as a health practitioner [yes, all western and complementary medicine practitioners are welcome here].

Is the course suitable for brick and mortar businesses?

Yes - Markerita is suitable for all healthcare businesses that want to build a stand out brand and grow their businesses through online marketing. Whether you have a brick and mortar clinic, or work online, the goal of growing a profitable business is the same. Accordingly, Markerita is suitable for all healthcare businesses, regardless of whether you operate on or offline.

I don’t need a group program, I need one-on-one support

I get it, sometimes you just want one-on-one support. Something that is important for you to know about Markerita, is that it isn’t your typical group program. It has been thoughtfully designed as a DWY [done with you] program where you can receive personalised support from me via weekly group calls on Zoom and our private Facebook community group across the 12-weeks. Plus, there are many advantages of learning in a group environment - accessing the diverse perspectives and insights of your peers, extra accountability, professional networking and cost effectiveness to name a few.

Anyone who joins Markerita can also access my supporting service the ‘Markerita Refill’ which is a 60-minute one-on-one strategy session for Markerita students only. So, if you feel like you need a little extra support and accountability at any stage of the course then you also have the option to book in one of these sessions too.

Markerita looks great, but I just don’t think I have the time right now…

I get how time poor you are. That is why Markerita has been designed to both fit into your busy schedule and deliver you results in the fastest manner possible by showing you exactly what you need to do to build a stand out brand and grow your business through online marketing [minus the fluff].

I truly believe that we make time for what is important to us. You are here because you want something to change in your business, and change won’t happen without action. Yes, developing a brand strategy and implementing a digital marketing plan for your business will take an initial time input but once it’s done, you’ll have a solid foundation for growing a profitable business that will save you so much time in the long run. Remember, Markerita is an investment in implementing sustainable systems and processes to streamline your marketing activities so that you can grow your business in the most time efficient manner possible.

If you truly can’t commit to completing Marekrita within 12-weeks then you also have the option to complete the course at your own pace as everyone who joins the course receives lifetime access to the content, bonuses and community.

Can you guarantee a return on investment? 

While I can’t guarantee specific financial outcomes [and you should run far away from anyone who does], I can assure you that Markerita will equip you with the knowledge, tools and strategies needed to build a stand out health brand and grow your business through online marketing. Previous students have seen significant improvements in brand visibility, audience growth, enquiry numbers, client bookings and revenue generation to name a few [you can check out some of these results above]. Your success will ultimately depend on your dedication, unique business and implementation of the strategies learned. However, you can rest assured that you’ll be provided with the resources, support and accountability to help maximise your return on investment.

I think I’ll just join Markerita in the next enrollment intake… 

You are here because you want something to change in your business, and change won’t happen without action. I won’t be running Markerita again until March 2025 - so why wait until next year when you can take action now?

By the time the course wraps up on December 5th, you will have all of the ingredients in place to build a stand out brand that gets people talking and a digital marketing strategy that consistently attracts, connects and converts your *dream clients* like a breeze so that you can grow your audience, make more sales and most importantly, make 2024 your most profitable in business yet. 

If you’re ready to stop wishing and start doing, then I’m ready to support you.

I see the benefit of digital marketing, but the tech really overwhelms me…

I get that new technology can feel overwhelming! That is why I provide bonus pre-recorded videos where I walk you through the backend of my recommended website (Showit), email (Flodesk & Kajabi) and content marketing systems (Airtable & Later) so that you can implement your digital marketing strategy with ease. You’ll be able to follow along, step by step, as I show you how to do things like create an email funnel and build a content marketing plan. 

I see the benefit of digital marketing, but the tech really overwhelms me…

I get it, sometimes you just want one-on-one support. Something that is important for you to know about Markerita, is that it isn’t your typical group program. It has been thoughtfully designed as a DWY [done with you] program where you can receive personalised support from me via weekly group calls on Zoom and our private Facebook community group across the 12-weeks. Plus, there are many advantages of learning in a group environment - accessing the diverse perspectives and insights of your peers, extra accountability, professional networking and cost effectiveness to name a few.

Anyone who joins Markerita can also access my supporting service the ‘Markerita Refill’ which is a 60-minute one-on-one strategy session for Markerita students only. So, if you feel like you need a little extra support and accountability at any stage of the course then you also have the option to book in one of these sessions too.

Money is tight at the moment. Do you offer any payment plans?

I offer a number of payment plans to help you effortlessly pay for your course investment in breezy monthly payments. Simply select your preferred payment plan at checkout and split your course investment up over 6 months.

Should you require a longer payment plan term, please reach otu to me via email

I don’t live in Australia, can I still do the course?

Yes! The framework and strategies taught in Markerita can be used to build a stand out brand and grow your business through online marketing by all health professionals across any country in the world. However, please note that the course is delivered in English with english subtitles on all lessons.